There is a well-established body of evidence that illustrates the powerful impact parent engagement has on a child’s education, aspirations and, ultimately, on their outcomes. The effect is greater than schooling itself and there are very few factors that have more impact and which are open to our influence.
By ‘parental engagement’ we mean meaningful engagement in their child’s education, including engagement in learning at home, e.g. encouragement, support, reading with their children, parent-child discussions, and making explicit how much they value education through their own behaviour and modelling.
By ‘parental involvement’, we mean involvement in schoolbased activities, e.g. attending parents’ evenings, reading at school, helping the teacher, sitting on governing bodies and participating in school events such as summer fairs.
Parents play a vital role in education. When parents are engaged and involved, everyone benefits - students, parents, families, teachers, schools and communities – and our school is enriched as a positive place to teach, learn and grow.
Parent engagement has a positive impact on student achievement. At Higher Openshaw Community School, pupils are supported and inspired to learn in a culture of high expectations in which parents:
What We Know about Parent Engagement
Parents play a vital role in the development and education of their children. Parents and families have the primary responsibility for the development of their children’s character, with the support of their school and community. Research clearly indicates that good schools become better schools when there is a strong connection with parents as part of the learning community. Parents have a primary influence on their child’s attitudes towards school, their learning, and their future success.
How we promote Parental Engagement
At Higher Openshaw Community school we promote parental engagement in the following ways;